Sheridan Township Planning Commission
Sheridan Township Hall
Regular Meeting
October 3, 2024- 7:07 p.m.
Planning Commission present: Rick Offerson (Chair), Sally Jackson (Vice Chair), Scott Frederick, Chip Hanlon, Peggy Vogt
Staff: David Martin, Zoning Administrator, Doug Lewan (via Zoom), Carlisle-Wortman Associates
Guests: Brady Friss, representing Ranger Power
The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Agenda: A motion was made by Frederick; seconded by Jackson, to approve the Agenda as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
Minutes: A motion was made by Frederick; seconded by Jackson, to accept the minutes of the September 18 meeting as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
Public Comments: None
Reports: (1) Frederick reported that he and Supervisor Porter recently met with a group of U of M students and staff. The group toured the newly completed township hall and were taken on a tour of the township. (2) 27-1/2 Mile Road is being paved.
Martin supplied a list of recently processed permits.* He continues to work on violations.
Zoning Appeals: No report
Battery Storage Facilities: Lewin reported on current ordinance discussions re: battery storage facilities, wind energy facilities and solar energy operations within the State of Michigan. There has been interest in having these operations fall under the jurisdiction of the State rather than at the local level. Lewan supplied the Commissioners with a sample Compatible Renewable Energy Ordinance (CREO)* to be reviewed. The recommendation is that Sheridan Township leave its current Ordinance as is and continue the practice of regulating on the local level.
Friss commented that the State process is lengthy. Ranger Power prefers to work on the local level re: battery storage facilities and is willing to work on items such as decommissioning, set-backs, fencing, signage, etc. Friss answered questions and offered the following information re: battery storage. He stated that electrical codes established by Consumers Power will apply. Battery units will be self-contained and there are very little liquid components. Local fire department staff will be trained and best practices for safety will be regulated by the National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA). The shelf life for batteries will be 12-15 years and have liquid cooling during warm weather conditions. Inspections and testing are done and each unit has its own monitoring mechanism. If a malfunction is reported, there are people on call to respond. Battery storage was not discussed at the beginning of solar energy production as technology has improved and is more efficient. The proposed location of the facility will be at the current 28 Mile Road sub-station which involves five (5) acres.
Lewan stated that our current Zoning Ordinance addresses fire regulations.
The Commission thanked Friss for the information that was shared.
Mining and Gravel Pit Ordinance: Tabled until next meeting. Meanwhile, Commissioners are to read information provided and plan to discuss at the December 5 meeting.
Master Plan: A copy has been sent to Supervisor Porter. Commissioners will be sent copies via email to review. Next step is to present to the Township Board to approve forwarding to adjacent communities for their comments. Following these procedures, a public hearing will be held.
Workshop: A workshop discussion re: the Master Plan and a review of the Cambridge Ordinance re: mining & gravel pits will be held on Thursday, October 17, 7:00 p.m. at the township hall.
Adjournment: A motion was made by Jackson; seconded by Frederick, to adjourn. Motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
Minutes submitted by
Peggy Vogt, Secretary
Sheridan Township Planning Commission
Rick Offerson, Chair
Sheridan Township Planning Commission
Minutes approved at the 12/5/24 meeting of the Sheridan Township Planning Commission.
*Copies of items referenced in these minutes are available in the Township Clerk's Office.