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Richard Porter

Office Hours - Monday-Thursday 9am to 12pm

Phone: 517-629-2604


The responsibilities of the Sheridan Township supervisor include: 

1. Preparing and administering the annual budget. 

2. Making appointments to various boards and committees.

3. Moderating all Board of Trustees meetings.



Hayley England

Office Hours - Monday-Thursday 9am to 12pm

Phone: 517-629-2604


The responsibilities of the Sheridan Township treasurer include: 

1. Collecting taxes from township residents and businesses. 

2. Maintaining a uniform system of accounting for the township.

3. Keeping all tax and financial records for the Township.



Stephanie Craig

Office Hours - Monday-Thursday 9am to 12pm

Phone: 517-629-2604


The responsibilities of the Sheridan Township clerk include:

1.  Keeping all records of registered voters in the Township

2.  Taking care of bids, contracts and personnel files.

3.  Publishing and transcribing all minutes of Township        board meetings.

4.  Posting board meeting and public notices.




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