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Stephanie Craig

October 7, 2021 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes

Sheridan Township Planning Commission

Sheridan Township Hall

October 7, 2021 - 7:00 p.m.

Planning Commission present: Harold Badger (Chair), Sally Jackson (Vice Chair), Scott Frederick, Rick Offerson, Peggy Vogt (Secretary)

The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a roll call of Planning Commission members. All present.

Agenda: A motion was made by Offerson; seconded by Frederick, to accept the agenda as presented. Motion passed unanimously.

Minutes: A motion was made by Jackson; seconded by Offerson, to approve the minutes of the September 2, 2021, meeting as presented. Motion passed unanimously.

Public Comments: None

Correspondence: The final site plan was received by Supervisor Porter from James Tedder (Fleis & Vanderbrink Associates) re: M.E.T.'s Stable Substation to be located at 26 Mile Road and F Drive, North.*

Reports: (1) Frederick reported that he, Clerk Craig and Treasurer England had recently attended a MTA workshop in Coldwater. (2) No report from Zoning, however, a list of September permits issued was available.* (3) No reports from Board of Appeals.

Unfinished Business: Continuing review of the Zoning Ordinance.

Section 14.19 - Should Planning Commission be involved in setting performance guarantees/costs? Should this involve Zoning Administrator instead of Planning Commission?

Section 14.20 - Should Planning Commission be involved in the Environmental Impact Assessment? Should this involve the Zoning Administrator instead of Planning Commission?

Note: The above two items need to be discussed with Supervisor Porter

Section 14.21 J 1 - unloading should be one word.

Section 15.10 - Compliance Bond - Suggest omission of last sentence "The Planning Commission shall determine the amount of said bond."

Section 15.13 G - Are the three Public Acts listed still current?

Section 15.13 L - Check to determine if recent changes show on map "Existing Circulation and Utilities" in Master Plan

Section 15.15 B - Change agric-business to agri-business

Section 15.23 G - Suggest adding "e-cigarettes"

Section 15.23 K - Suggest including handguns and change "bow and arrow" to "archery"

Section 15.24 B 3 - Suggest adding carbon monoxide detectors in each room. Also check requirements for fire extinguishers.

Note: The above item needs to be discussed with the Fire Department

Section 15.25 O - A decommissioning addendum needs to be added. The wording needs to be discussed at the November 4 meeting.

Section 17.02 B, Section 17.03 and 17.05 - Need to check to see if MCL's sited are still current. Vogt will check.

Section 22.05 B - Last sentence add "be" ...truck spaces shall not "be" less than... Also suggest changing fifty-five feet (55') to seventy-five feet (75') in length.

Section 22.06 B - Use list - Drive-In Eating Establishments - Omit "for each family dwelling unit".

Adjournment: A motion was made by Vogt; seconded by Offerson, to adjourn. Motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.

Minutes submitted by

Peggy Vogt, Secretary

Sheridan Township Planning Commission

Harold Badger, Chair

Sheridan Township Planning Commission

Minutes approved at the November 4, 2021 meeting of the Sheridan Township Planning Commission.

*Copies of items referenced in these minutes are available in the Township Clerk's Office.

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