Sheridan Township Planning Commission
Sheridan Township Hall
Regular Meeting and Public Hearing
October 6, 2022 - 7:05 p.m.
Planning Commission present: Harold Badger (Chair), Sally Jackson (Vice Chair), Scott Frederick, Rick Offerson, Peggy Vogt
Staff: David Martin, Zoning Administrator
Guests: Rosemary and Randy Fisher, Ciara Henry
The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a roll call of Planning Commission members.
Agenda: Badger noted that the request from The Andersons will be eliminated from the agenda as it is not needed due to the size of the building being constructed. A motion to accept the amended agenda was made by Frederick; seconded by Offerson, Motion passed unanimously.
Minutes: A motion was made by Offerson; seconded by Frederick, to approve the minutes of the August 4, 2022, meeting as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
Public Comments: None
Correspondence: None
Reports: Township Board - Frederick reported that (1) the township audit went well with no problems to report; (2) road projects in the township are commencing.
Zoning Administrator - (1) Martin presented a list of the permits recently granted* along with a verbal update on violations currently being processed (demolitions, dangerous buildings); (2) Due to excessive code violations (electrical, plumbing, fire) the Days Inn on C Drive, N. has been condemned and residents were evacuated.
Zoning Board of Appeals - Badger had nothing to report
Public Hearing - Opened at 7:18 p.m.
Purpose: To consider the request of Ciara Henry (applicant) on behalf of Jared Bigcraft (property owner) for Conditional Use approval to rehabilitate property located at 146 Newburg Road, Parcel #19-361-040-10.* Notices were placed in The Recorder and appropriate residents were notified.
Henry indicated that a six unit multi-family facility is planned for this address and she presented sketches to indicate the layouts of the units.*
Martin reviewed correspondence received from Doug Lewan of Carlisle-Wortman Associates* indicating items that would need to be addressed before a Conditional Use Permit would be issued. Among those items are: (1) notarized statement of ownership; (2) accurate survey drawing; (3) landscape plan; (4) detailed site plan. It was also noted that since the building has been vacant for approximately twelve years there could be structural damage as well as septic and water well issues.
Henry gave a history of her involvement in the property and responded to concerns: (1) she and her brother, Jared Bigcraft, purchased the property in 2018 and they have a clear deed and taxes paid are current. They also own rental property in Jackson; (2) licensed contractor, Matthew Laura of Jackson, is the contractor for the project; (3) she has tried to contact the Health Dept. re: the septic tank and water concerns but they have not returned her calls; (4) they are ready to start rehabilitation once criteria is fulfilled and anticipate work to be completed in eight months; (5) rent will be month-to-month agreements with residents.
Public Comments
Randy Fisher: Being a resident in the area, stated he is eager to see the anticipated development of this property as it has been neglected for many years. However, he emphasized that the development needs to be done properly and in compliance with Sheridan Township Zoning Ordinance regulations.
Among those items he addressed were: potable water, parking, frontage, occupancy regulations, etc. Due to the three-minute comment time limit, Fisher submitted his comments in writing* and they are recognized as a part of these minutes.
Further comments:
Martin: He has observed workers in the buildings and noted that there have not been electrical or plumbing permits issued by the township for any type of construction at this time. The property owner has the responsibility to check with the township to familiarize themselves with the guidelines and regulations outlined in the Zoning Ordinance pertaining to the project they are undertaking prior to any work being started. The Michigan Avenue Overlay Corridor guidelines need to be considered when reconstruction/rehabilitation takes place in this area.
Badger: The property needs to be properly surveyed. The township will need reports from the Calhoun County Health Dept. re: septic tank and water sample findings. The township wants to see success but it needs to have compliance.
No further comments were forthcoming.
A motion was made by Offerson; seconded by Frederick, to table any decision on the above request for a CUP until the the applicant(s) meet the guidelines as outlined in the Sheridan Township Zoning Ordinance and have secured the additional information as requested. Motion passed unanimously.
It was noted that an additional Public Hearing re: this matter will not be needed. If all parties are ready, this request could be addressed at the next Planning Commission meeting scheduled for December 1, 2022. (File note: 12/1/22 meeting was canceled due to weather concerns.)
A motion was made by Jackson; seconded by Offerson, to close the Public Hearing. Motion passed unanimously. Hearing adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
Adjournment: Badger declared the regular meeting of the Sheridan Township Planning Commission closed at 7:53 p.m.
Minutes submitted by
Peggy Vogt, Secretary
Sheridan Township Planning Commission
Sally Jackson, Vice Chair
Sheridan Township Planning Commission
These minutes were approved at the 2/16/23 meeting of the Sheridan Township Planning Commission.
*Copies of items referenced in these minutes are available in the Township Clerk's Office.