Sheridan Township Board of Trustee’s
October 15, 2019
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Richard Porter @ 7:00 p.m.
Pledge: The pledge was given by general public.
Present: Roll call Randy Fisher, Scott Frederick, Shanna Pollman, Brenda Heisler, and Richard Porter.
Absent: None
Audience: 7th District County Commissioner Gary Tompkins, Doug Pollman, Albion Library Director Cindy Stanczak, Chief Lance Lohrke, and Citizens from Leslie.
Approval of Agenda: A motion was made by Randy Fisher, 2nd by Scott Frederick to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed.
Minutes: Stand as written with a motion made by Randy Fisher, 2nd by Scott Frederick for the September 17, 2019 minutes and a motion was made by Shanna Pollman, 2nd by Randy Fisher for the September 24, 2019 minutes.
Bills: A motion was made by Randy Fisher, 2nd by Shanna Pollman to pay the bills. Roll call vote – Yes – Randy Fisher, Scott Frederick, Richard Porter, Shanna Pollman, and Brenda Heisler. The motion passed.
Treasurer’s Investment Report: Accepted as written.
Correspondence: An updated report on the Solar Companies was given by Richard Porter.
Planning Committee: Scott Frederick reported on the Monday November 4, 2019 upcoming Public Hearing with Ranger Power Solar Company.
Fire Department: -See the attached report.
-Due to Chief Lohrke’s absence, Supervisor Richard Porter gave the Chief’s Report.
-There was fire training on October 8, 2019 and October 9, 2019.
-Donavan Green is leaving on October 21, 2019 for employment with Summit Township.
Public Comment: -County Commissioner Gary Tompkins reported that the County Budget got cut one million dollars by the State.
-Commissioner Tompkins also said that they may lose the 2nd shift Road Patrol at the County level.
-Commissioner Tompkins also said that Act 51 does not work for Townships.
-Library Director Cindy Stanczak reported that the library has passed their 2020 year budget for the library.
-She also reported that their book sale went well.
Unfinished Business: None
New Business: -The First Right of Refusal of Property parcel 19-331-036-00 at 26700 W. Michigan Ave. with the purchase going to the Anderson’s. A motion was made by Randy Fisher, 2nd by Scott Frederick to follow thru with the recommendations made by Supervisor Richard Porter. Parcel #19-364-006-00 was rejected. Roll call vote – Yes – Randy Fisher, Brenda Heisler, Richard Porter, Shanna Pollman, and Scott Frederick. The motion passed.
-Roadside Pickup bid from Walt Obrinske – A motion was made by Scott Frederick, 2nd by Brenda Heisler to accept the bid from Walt Obrinske for $1,418.00 for a 30 yard dumpster. Roll call vote – Yes – Randy Fisher, Brenda Heisler, Shanna Pollman, Scott Frederick, and Richard Porter. The motion passed.
-Dumpster Charge – A motion was made by Randy Fisher, 2nd by Scott Frederick to pay Mr. Victor Richardson for half of the price for dumpster usage of $135.00. Roll call vote – Yes – Randy Fisher, Brenda Heisler, Richard Porter, Shanna Pollman, and Scott Frederick. The motion passed.
-Verizon Phone Additions – A motion was made by Randy Fisher, 2nd by Scott Frederick to put Supervisor Richard Porter’s cell phone on the “Unlimited Status” due to the Solar Business. Roll call vote – Yes – Randy Fisher, Brenda Heisler, Shanna Pollman, Scott Frederick, and with Richard Porter abstaining from voting. The motion passed.
509 Road Policy – The meeting will be held on November 7, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. at eh County Commissioner’s Room in Marshall. Supervisor Porter asked the board the review the Resolution and to try and attend the meeting.
-Veterans Day – There will be a Veterans Day Celebration at the Sheridan Township Hall on Sunday November 10, 2019.
Adjourn: A motion was made to adjourn by Randy Fisher, 2nd by Shanna Pollman @ 8:05 p.m. The motion passed.
Respectfully Submitted
Brenda Heisler, Secretary