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Stephanie Craig

November 4, 2021 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes

Sheridan Township Planning Commission

Regular meeting

Sheridan Township Hall

November 4, 2021 - 7:00 p.m.

Planning Commission present: Harold Badger (Chair), Sally Jackson (Vice Chair), Scott Frederick, Rick Offerson, Peggy Vogt (Secretary)

Guests: None

The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a roll call of Planning Commission members. All present.

Agenda: A motion was made by Offerson; seconded by Frederick, to accept the agenda as presented. Motion passed unanimously.

Minutes: A motion was made by Offerson; seconded by Jackson, to approve the minutes of the October 7, 2021, meeting as presented. Motion passed unanimously.

Correspondence: Letter received by City of Albion re: their Master Plan Review.*

Reports: None

New Business: None

Unfinished Business: (1) Vogt reported she had followed up on the request made at the 10/7/21 meeting re: Michigan Compiled Laws (MCL) referenced in sections 17.02 B, 17.03 and 17.05 of the current Zoning Ordinance and those laws are still active. She reported that they are current with some amendments. (2) Sections 14.19 (Performance Guarantee) and 14.20 (Environmental Impact Assessment) are on hold pending further review. (3) Section 15.24 B 3 (Bed and Breakfast) is on hold pending further review.

Section 15.25 O: Wording is needed to address the addendum re: the decommissioning agreement approved at the special meeting held 5/10/21.

Other Business: Review of the current Zoning Ordinance continues as follows:

Section 25.06: Under "A." add "1." Move the list of the Site Plan Committee from Section 25.12 to show it as 25.06 A 1.

Section 25.07 H: Omit.

Section 25.12. Delete

Section 26.03: Add item "G": "Prepare and submit to the Township Board and Planning Commission, a monthly list of citations for zoning violations and complaints with actions taken and updates on pending complaints and finalized complaints."

Section 26.11 B: Check current stated fee amounts with Carlisle-Wortman re: Michigan statutes re: fees and whether Sheridan has authority to change the fees.

Sections 26.12 and 26.13: Clarify Zoning Administrator duties and outline the duties more specifically.

Section 28.02 D: Is there a Calhoun County Metropolitan Planning Commission?

Section 28.02 F: Planning Commission would like a copy of the Township Rural Zoning Act.

Miscellaneous items to consider adding to the current Zoning Ordinance:

(1) Residential Solar Energy

(2) Turbine Energy

(3) Mining & Extraction

(4) Mobile Homes Located on Private Property (types of homes, footage, etc.)

(5) Activity Barns

These items need to be researched with the assistance of Carlisle-Wortman Associates.

Adjournment: A motion was made by Vogt; seconded by Jackson, to adjourn. Motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

Minutes submitted by

Peggy Vogt, Secretary

Sheridan Township Planning Commission

Harold Badger, Chair

Sheridan Township Planning Commission

These minutes were approved at the 12/2/21 meeting of the Sheridan Township Planning Commission.

*Copies of items referenced in these minutes are available in the Township Clerk's Office.

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