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May 16, 2023 Board Meeting Minutes

Stephanie Craig

Sheridan Township Board of Trustees Meeting

May 16, 2023

7:00 pm

I. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Richard Porter at 7:00 pm.

The pledge of allegiance to the Flag of the United States: Led by Richard Porter.

Present: Randy Fisher, Stephanie Craig, Richard Porter, Scott Frederick, and Hayley England

Absent: None

II. Approval of Agenda: A motion was made by Randy, 2nd by Scott to accept the agenda as presented. All in favor, the motion passed.

III. Approval of previous township board minutes. A motion was made by Randy, 2nd by Scott to accept the March 21, 2023, meeting minutes as presented. All in favor, the motion passed. A motion was made by Randy, 2nd by Scott to accept the April 4, 2023, meeting minutes as presented. All in favor, the motion passed.

IV. Payment of Bills: A motion was made by Scott, 2nd by Randy to approve the payment of bills. Roll call vote; all in favor. The motion passed.

V. Treasurers Report: A motion was made by Randy, 2nd by Scott to approve the treasurers report as presented. All in favor, the motion passed.

VI. Correspondence: The county will be upgrading the stop signs at the intersection of C Drive and 29 Mile Rd. The 519 policy was discussed, and an update was given about the asphalt companies and the PASER ratings on the roads.

VII. Committee Reports:

1. Planning Commission/Roads - Scott Frederick. No updates at this time.

2. Fire - Chief Lance Lohrke. Chief Lohrke goes over his report for March and April. See attached. Training for March was tours of Continental Carbonic and Andersons. Training for April was a live burn with Parma and live grass fire training. Three firefighters were also sent to training to learn how to deal with animal transportation accidents.

VIII. Public Comment: Tommy Miller gave updates on the roads and county events.

IX. Unfinished Business:

1. Resolution 2023-09 to hire a mitigation company to collect fire department reimbursement for non-payment of services. A motion was made by Randy, 2nd by Scott to table Resolution 2023-09 until we have more information. All in favor, the motion passed.

2. Create a committee to review employee insurance benefits. This item will be tabled until the next meeting.

X. New Business:

1. Review quote for fire department addition. Authorize posting for additional bids for addition. There are many questions about the current bid, and issues that are not addressed in the bid. A motion was made by, 2nd by to authorize the posting for additional bids for the fire department addition.

2. Authorize landscaping changes for Township Hall. A motion was made by Randy, 2nd by Hayley to authorize landscaping changes for the Township Hall. Roll call vote; all in favor. The motion passed.

3. Review the need for road signs for Amish. The County charges $200 per sign installed and they feel that we need 5 signs. A motion was made by Randy, 2nd by Scott to purchase signs from the County. Roll call vote; all in favor. The motion passed.

VII. Adjourn: A motion was made by Hayley, 2nd by Randy to adjourn at 8:11. All in favor, the motion passed.

Stephanie Craig, Secretary

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