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June 3, 2021 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes & Public Hearing Minutes - Gem Motel

Sheridan Township Planning Commission

Public Hearing Re: Gem Motel and

Regular Meeting

June 3, 2021 - 7:00 p.m.

Sheridan Township Hall

Present: Harold Badger (chair), Scott Frederick, Sally Jackson, Rick Offerson, Peggy Vogt

Staff: Tom Shedd, Zoning Administrator

Guests: Amy Rose Robinson & Krista Trout-Edwards (Calhoun County Land Bank), Casey Merrild

The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Minutes: A motion was made by Jackson; seconded by Frederick, to accept the minutes of the 2/4/21 meeting. A motion was made by Jackson; seconded by Frederick, to accept the minutes of the 3/4/21 meeting. A motion was made by Jackson; seconded by Frederick, to accept the minutes of the 3/22/21 public hearing re: Pine Gate Solar. A motion was made by Jackson; seconded by Offerson, to accept the minutes of the 3/22/21 public hearing re: Gem Motel. A motion was made by Frederick; seconded by Jackson, to accept the minutes of the 5/10/21 meeting. All motions were passed unanimously.

Agenda: A motion was made by Vogt; seconded by Jackson, to accept the agenda including additions of minutes. Motion passed unanimously.

Public Hearing: This item (Gem Motel) was tabled from the 5/10/21 meeting due to lack of information. Shedd presented site plans* and introduced Merrild who is requesting the Conditional Use Permit to turn the location into a public storage facility. Comments from Chris Atkin, Carlise-Wortman Associates,* were distributed. Merrild displayed signage that would be present at the location. He states that his purchase of the property is dependent on the pending passage of the CUP request. Questions re: parking, visibility issues for traffic, signage, fencing, electrical, water and sewage, lighting, outside storage, security, trash, access, and buffers were addressed. A letter from neighbor, Randy Fisher*, was read into the record. A list of questions presented to Merrild addressing concerns was available.* (see below) Information was presented by Merrild to address those questions.

1) Re: access The facility will have 24 hour access. All renters will have a code for the main swinging gate and individual combination/padlock locks will be available for each unit.

2) The driveway and area will be gravel and will be leveled at the approach to the roadway. If in the future a sidewalk is installed, it will be the same grade as shown on the site plan.

3) Trees will be trimmed and a Greenbelt of small shrubs will be at the front of the property.

4) No need for a soil test.

5) Sidewalk -See #2.

6) Greenery - See #3.

7) Re: fencing: An 8' fence will surround the property with the exception of an area that the present neighbor has agreed that Merrild can use the back of his barn as blockage. Instead of a chain link fence there will be wrought iron fencing along with screening as outlined in the Ordinance. The swinging entrance gate will be 8' in height.

Sheridan Township Planning Commission June 3, 2021

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8) There will be no electricity, water or sewage hook-ups. Solar and motion detecting lighting will be installed at the entrance gate and limited inside the facility. Frederick expressed concerns if this lighting would be adequate for security purposes. **

9) White metal siding with a green roof and tan roll up doors would be acceptable.

10) No need to mark parking spaces.

11) Merrild will place a garbage container inside the facility. He will accept responsibility for removing the trash from the site.

12) Signage was displayed at the meeting and the frame discussed is in compliance with the Ordinance.

There will be no outside storage for larger items such as cars, boats, campers, etc.

Commissioners were in agreement with the above provisions with the exception of Frederick re: the lighting situation.

Being no further questions or comments the public hearing was closed at 8:10 p.m. with thanks given to Merrild for his input.

Regular meeting opened at 8:12 p.m.

After a brief discussion a motion was made by Jackson; seconded by Offerson, to approve the above request for a CUP be presented to the township board at its June 15 meeting. Jackson, yes; Offerson, yes; Frederick, yes; Badger, yes; Vogt, yes. Motion passed unanimously.

Public Comment: None

Reports: Frederick - The township board approved the CUP for the Savion decommissioning plan.

Shedd - Presented the reports for permits his office has processed.

Badger - Nothing to report from Zoning Board of Appeals.

Unfinished Business: Much to be done after the delays of the pandemic.

Master Plan review needs to be completed - (Vogt to find previous notes)

Zoning Ordinance needs to be reviewed

An ordinance covering activity (party) barns needs to be discussed

An ordinance covering single family detached structures needs to be discussed

Mobile Home Ordinance needs to be reviewed.

Commissioners are to review handouts presented and be prepared to discuss at the next meeting.

Meeting dates: Given the information re: unfinished business, it was decided to return to monthly meetings beginning with July 1. Vogt will prepare a new schedule.

Sheridan Township Planning Commission June 3, 2021

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Adjournment: A motion was made by Vogt; seconded by Frederick, to adjourn. Motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m.

Minutes submitted by

Peggy Vogt, Secretary

Sheridan Township Planning Commission

Harold Badger, Chair

Sheridan Township Planning Commission

Minutes approved at the 7/1/21 meeting of the Sheridan Township Planning Commission.

*Copies of items referenced in these minutes are available in the Township Clerk's Office.

**Note: Following this meeting Shedd visited the storage facility on Woodlawn to assess the lighting. He contacted Merrild who agreed to install a third LED solar motion sensor light at the Michigan Avenue facility.

Next meeting is scheduled for July 1, 2021, 7:00 p.m.

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