Sheridan Township Planning Commission
Sheridan Township Hall
June 2, 2022 - 7:05 p.m.
Planning Commission present: Harold Badger (Chair), Sally Jackson (Vice Chair), Scott Frederick, Rick Offerson, Peggy Vogt
Staff: David Martin, Zoning Administrator
Guests: Logan Haas
The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a roll call of Planning Commission members.
Agenda: A motion was made by Frederick; seconded by Jackson, to accept the agenda as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
Minutes: A motion was made by Offerson; seconded by Jackson, to approve the minutes of the April 7, 2022, meeting as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
Public Comments: None
Correspondence: A letter received from Liz Gunden (Beckett & Raeder)* re: City of Albion Comprehensive Plan was read. Copies will be submitted to all Planning Commission members.
Reports: Township Board - Frederick reported that the township board approved the Conditional Use Permit submitted by Pine Gate for their solar project in the township changing the property involved from Agricultural to Light Industry.
Zoning Administrator - Martin presented a list of the permits recently granted* along with a report detailing contacts made re: code violations.*
Zoning Board of Appeals - Badger had nothing to report
New Business: A request was received for consideration of a Conditional Use Permit from The Body Shop for Health & Wellness, 1940 E. Michigan Avenue, Albion MI.* Landowner is Birdie Properties, LLC. Building is owned by Ed Haas. Representative Logan Haas was present to answer questions. This facility will be used as a fitness/training center. (1) Capacity will be 10-15 persons; (2) Plan is to open June 17, 2022; (3) There will be 24 hour key card access for members; (4) Additional fencing and security cameras will be installed; (5) The target is to have a 100-150 membership in the first year; (6) Monthly membership costs will be $49 per individual, $79 per couple, and additional $11 per member for each family member; (7) Members are expected to sign liability waivers. A motion was made by Frederick; seconded by Offerson, to recommend to the township board that a Conditional Use for The Body Shop for Health and Wellness, 1940 E. Michigan Avenue, Sheridan Township, Albion MI. for use as a health and wellness center as outlined in Section 9.03 W "Private Service Club" of the current Zoning Ordinance be granted. Motion passed unanimously. Frederick will report the recommendation to the township board.
Planning Commission members discussed current Ordinance 2019-02 re: Recreational Camper Vehicles adopted 11-19-19.* The current wording is under review as some recreational campers are being used as permanent residences which is in violation of the intent of the current Ordinance. Electrical and sewage hook-ups are a concern. Input has been requested from Carlisle-Wortman Associates.
Discussion was held re: storage and outbuildings. These are not covered in our current Zoning Ordinance and it is suggested that something be in place to provide safety measures, installation and upkeep guidelines. Input has been requested from Carlisle-Wortman Associates.
It was noted that it would be helpful if the township could obtain a list of foreclosed and abandoned properties. Martin will pursue this with Supervisor Porter and Treasurer England.
Unfinished Business: The Master Plan and Zoning Ordinance updates are on hold due to a staffing shortage at Carlisle-Wortman Associates.
Adjournment: A motion was made by Vogt; seconded by Badger, to adjourn. Motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Minutes submitted by
Peggy Vogt, Secretary
Sheridan Township Planning Commission
Harold Badger, Chair
Sheridan Township Planning Commission
These minutes were approved at a meeting held June 30, 2022.
*Copies of items referenced in these minutes are available in the Township Clerk's Office.
The next regular meeting of the Sheridan Township Planning Commission is scheduled for August 4, 2022.