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Stephanie Craig

June 18, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

Sheridan Township Board of Trustees Meeting

June 18, 2024

7:00 pm


I.          Call to Order:  The meeting was called to order by Richard Porter at 7:00 pm.


The pledge of allegiance to the Flag of the United States:  Led by Richard Porter. 

Present:  Richard Porter, Scott Frederick, Rusty Smith, Hayley England, and Stephanie Craig.


Absent:  None


II.         Approval of Agenda:  During public comment Sarah Lee will give a presentation on the University of Michigan sustainability program.  A motion was made by Rusty, 2nd by Scott to accept the agenda as amended.  All in favor, the motion passed. 


III.        Approval of previous township board minutes.  A motion was made by Rusty, 2nd by Scott to accept the April 16th meeting minutes as presented.  All in favor, the motion passed.  A motion was made by Rusty, 2nd by Scott to accept the April 17th, May 21st, and June 13th meeting minutes as presented.  All in favor, the motion passed.


IV.        Payment of Bills:  A motion was made by Rusty, 2nd by Scott to approve the payment of bills.  Roll call vote; all in favor.  The motion passed.


V.         Treasurers Report:   A motion was made by Rusty, 2nd by Scott to accept the Treasurer’s report as presented.  Roll call vote; all in favor.  The motion passed.


VI.        Correspondence:  None


VII.       Committee Reports:


Planning Commission/Roads - Scott Frederick.  Planning had a meeting on June 6th.  They will be getting information from Carlisle Wortman on wind, hydrogen, battery storage and gravel ordinances.  The master plan is almost complete and will be ready soon to send to the county for review. 


Fire - Chief Lance Lohrke.  Chief goes over his report for April and May.  Training for April covered small engine operations, and training for May was drivers training. 


Chief talked to Haas Alert for a system for Engine 16 to inform other drivers of an approaching emergency vehicle.  The cost is $600 a year for the subscription.  There will be a monthly report to let us know how many vehicles have been notified.  A motion was made by Rusty, 2nd by Scott to approve a Haas Alert system subscription for Engine 16 for a year.  Roll call vote; all in favor.  The motion passed. 


The bed on the rescue truck is breaking.  The Chief would like to turn it into a flatbed and install a plow on it.  We could then sell the current plow truck.  College would give us $2,500 for it, so that will be the minimum bid if we decide to sell.  A motion was made by Rusty, 2nd by Scott to approve the installation of a flatbed and plow on the rescue truck not to exceed $15,000.  Roll call vote; all in favor.  The motion passed. 


The Chief has compiled a list of items needed to get the new training room up and running.  A motion was made by Rusty, 2nd by Scott to approve the purchase of the listed items for the training room.  Roll call vote; all in favor.  The motion passed. 


A motion was made by Rusty, 2nd by Scott to table the discussion of the equipment needed for the workout room until next month.


Deputy - Jack Williamson.  Jack presents his reports for April and May. 


Fire Station update - Rusty Smith.  Rusty goes over what has been done to date.  The project is complete.  The only thing left is for the Township to receive the manuals and the binder containing the warranties.  There is one bill left to pay in the amount of $24,653. To date the project has cost $655,444.  The parking lot is also complete, and signs have been installed. 


VIII.      Public Comment:  Sarah Lee presents the "Sustainable Towns Program."  Participation in this program will earn the Township an "award" that will create opportunities for different resources for the Township.  If we choose to participate, we will have a team of students that walk through a list of challenges with us to set a baseline of our community interests.  They will then develop work plans for the Township to view and approve.  To participate the Township will need to pass a resolution.


Rod Auton from Calhoun County Senior Services makes a public comment.  He presents a brochure about the current programs available for seniors in our county. 


Dave Gilbert Calhoun County Prosecutor makes a public comment.  They are extremely short-staffed.  He reports that the Sheriff's department has seen an increase in marijuana grow’s in our area.  He mentions that one specific thing to look out for is enhanced electrical services. 


Water Resource Commissioner Ron Smith makes a public comment and explains what his job entails.  He covers all the lakes in Calhoun County.  He is asking for support at the August election.    


Tommy Miller Calhoun County Commissioner updates on current County issues including the roads.  He states that Starr Commonwealth has made an agreement with Sheriff's Department for a dedicated deputy.  He is running for Water Resources Commissioner and is asking for support at the August election. 


Alex Harris is running for State Representative in the 44th district as a Republican.  He is asking for support at the August election.   


IX.        Unfinished Business:  None


X.         New Business


1.      Amend 2024-2025 budget to increase Deputy Clerk and Treasurer from $500 to $600.  A motion was made by Scott, 2nd by Rusty to increase Deputy Clerk and Treasurer pay from $500 to $600Roll call vote.  All in favor; the motion passed.


2.      Move $4,000 from 101-271-961.000 Contingency to 101-265-930.000 Repairs and Maintenance.  Richard updates the board that he purchased the additional siding needed for the building and used funds from line item 101-271-961.000 - Contingency.


3.      Resolution 2024-14 to change conditional use to allow Dollar General (DG Market) parcel 13-362-048-00.  A motion was made by Rusty, 2nd by Scott to approve Resolution 2024-14 for the conditional use permit for DG.  All in favor; the motion passed


4.      Resolution 2024-15 to change conditional use to allow The Body Shop parcel 19-362-033-10.  A motion was made by Rusty, 2nd by Scott to approve Resolution 2024-15 for the conditional use permit for The Body Shop.  All in favor; the motion passed. 


5.      Discuss next steps for installation of siding on town hall.  We will wait to pay the final bills on the Fire Station addition and see where we are before we put out the bid request for the installation of the siding.


6.      Discuss next steps for road bond.  Richard informed the county that we would like a 15-million-dollar bond for the roads next year.  The Township needs to figure out what bond amount we can afford so we can approach the county before the end of the year. 


7.      Discuss and set date for open house for addition.  The board would like to do an open house for the residents to tour the new addition.  We could do this at the same time as the pancake breakfast, or separate.  It is decided that we will do an open house for the new addition separate, then wait until fall for the pancake breakfast at the Fire Department.  The Chief will check dates and get back with the board about an open house date, no later than mid-August. 


8.      Resolution 2024-16 to participate in University of Michigan Sustainable Towns Program.  Richard has volunteered to be the main contact for this program, and Scott will be the secondary contact.  A motion was made by Rusty, 2nd by Scott to approve Resolution 2024-16 to participate in the University of Michigan sustainable towns program


XI.        Adjourn:  A motion was made by Hayley, 2nd by Stephanie, to adjourn at 8:34.  All in favor, the motion passed.



Stephanie Craig, Secretary






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