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June 18, 2019 Board Meeting Minutes

Sheridan Township Board of Trustee’s

June 18, 2019

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Richard Porter at 7:00 p.m.

Pledge: The pledge was given by Supervisor Richard Porter.

Present: Roll call Randy Fisher, Scott Frederick, Shanna Pollman, Brenda Heisler, and Richard Porter.

Absent: None

Audience: Chief Lance Lohrke, County Commissioner Gary Tompkins, Barbara Frederick, Prosecutor David Gilbert, Linda Wallace of Leslie, Rich Offerson Citizen, Lee Nelson Citizen, Lora Stevens Calhoun County Senior Services, and Cindy Stanczak Director of the Albion District Library.

Approval of Agenda: AA motion was made by Shanna Pollman, 2nd by Scott Frederick to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed.

Minutes: The minutes stand as written.

Bills: A motion was made by Brenda Heisler, 2nd by Scott Frederick to pay the bills. Roll call vote – Yes – Randy Fisher, Scott Frederick, Brenda Heisler, Richard Porter, and Shanna Pollman. The motion passed.

Treasurer’s Investment Report: The Investment Report stands as written.

Correspondence: None

Planning Committee: -Scott Frederick gave his report that the Planning Committee has sent the Master Plan on to the County for approval.

-The County Road Committee meeting that Scott Frederick, and Supervisor Richard Porter attended said that the County is talking about putting our roads back to gravel.

-There was a discussion about the condition of our roads.

Fire Department: -See attached report.

-Chief Lance Lohrke gave his report: The Fire Department held their training April 7 and 8, 2019 covering grass fires.

-April 27, and 28, 2019 covering PTSD Prevention.

-May was drivers training.

Public Comment: -Lora Stevens from Calhoun County Senior Services gave a short synopsis of their services and gave us hand-outs.

-Gary Tompkins County Commissioner reported that H Drive and J Drive are completed.

-Commissioner Tompkins said they are in the middle of the group for patching. He has advised that we continue to call and report the pot holes.

-The mowing is being done to fast.

-Randy Fisher, Richard Porter and Scott Frederick joined Commissioner Tompkins at the Supervisors meeting on June 10, 2019.

-Road failure policy by County was discussed. It was tabled on a -2 vote at the committee meeting.

-Act 51 will never come back locally. If it’s not working discard it and go on and put something else in place.

-Centenarian 54 in County (19 came to their luncheon)

-Supervisor Porter asked about the mattress’s that have been dumped in our Township, Commissioner Tompkins said nobody want to help. Prosecutor Gilbert said trail cams are legal and will hold up in court.

-Randy Fisher questioned the tree trimming- should be put in “Right of Way Maintenance” and not put under paving.

-County Prosecutor Gilbert gave a report on his office and the amount of cases that the Judges carry.

-An attorney received the Humane Award.

-Prosecutor Gilbert said all Townships he visited also have issues with the roads.

-Senior Services was discussed as a wonderful program for the county.

-Cindy Stanczak Director of the Albion District Library reported that the library is full of kids out for the summer reading and learning.

-The library will be having a slide show on entry.

-Cindy said they had a hand-out that will be put in the lobby and was most informative.

-Barbara Frederick spoke on the “Corrections Committee” that she’s served on for years. She said that the County is doing a fantastic job in getting the inmates educated and give them graduation ceremonies and trying to re-introduce them back into society.

-Anger management is also dealt with.

Unfished Business: None

New Business: -Savion (Trade Winds) solar is also going to put solar panels on the Township property.

-We as a Board have pledged to put any new money from the Solar Companies toward our roads.

-Metro Act Right of Way Extension- A motion was made by Brenda Heisler, 2nd by Shanna Pollman to accept the Extension. –Yes- 4 votes and –No- 1 Randy Fisher opposed the vote. The motion passed.

-Pictometry Flight Resolution paid on a 3 year plan. Scott Frederick made a motion, 2nd by Randy Fisher to table until the next meeting. Supervisor Porter is to get current prices. The motion passed.

-Walt Obrinski was the only one to present a bid for the demolition of the Crumbsy property. A motion was made by Randy Fisher, 2nd by Scott Frederick to accept the bid from Walt Obrinski. Roll call vote – Yes – Randy Fisher, Shanna Pollman, Richard Porter, Scott Frederick and Brenda Heisler. The motion passed.

-The Crumsby and Crandall properties were discussed.

-A motion was made by Shanna Pollman, 2nd by Brenda Heisler to accept the 2019 Tax Rate request. Roll call vote –Yes – Randy Fisher, Scott Frederick, Richard Porter, Shanna Pollman, and Brenda Heisler. The motion passed.

-Solar Company Update – Ranger Power has agreed to pay for a new grass rig for the fire department.

Trade Winds (now known as) Savion has agreed to pay $150,000.00 to the fire department for training of our firemen.

-Set up is to be in 2021.

-July 11, 2019 Savion is having an open house at the Sheridan Township Hall.

Adjourn: A motion was made to adjourn by Randy Fisher, 2nd by Shanna Pollman at 8:55 p.m. The motion passed.

Respectfully Submitted

Brenda Heisler, Secretary

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