Sheridan Township Planning Commission
Regular Meeting
Sheridan Township Hall
July 1, 2021 - 7:00 p.m.
Planning Commission present: Harold Badger (Chair), Sally Jackson (Vice Chair), Scott Frederick, Rick Offerson, Peggy Vogt (Secretary)
Staff: Tom Shedd, Zoning Administrator
Guests: None
The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a roll call of Planning Commission members. All present.
Agenda: A motion was made by Vogt; seconded by Offerson, to accept the agenda as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
Minutes: A motion was made by Jackson; seconded by Offerson, to approve the minutes of the June 3, 2021, meeting as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
Correspondence: There was no correspondence.
Public Comment: None
Reports: Frederick reported that the Township Board passed the Conditional Use Permit request from Casey Merrild for renovation of the Gem Motel for a storage facility.
Shedd presented his report of permits issued in June.* He has been in discussions with owners of Twin Pines Trailer Park. They will be requesting electrical and plumbing permits for new trailers for the park. There are currently eight trailers on site and 12 more are expected. Some of the current lots need new pavement, steps and extensions.
Badger reported that there were no zoning appeals.
Unfinished Business: The review of the Master Plan is continuing. The following changes, additions or corrections have been suggested:
(1) Introduction pages are to be updated re: officer names
(2) Page 1: P.1 - change August of 2002 to October 2014
(3) Page 6: Re: Fire Dept. - include fire, medical, first response, extrication, and hazmat calls. Provide mutual aid to all surrounding communities. Equipment - 2 pumpers, 1 tanker, 1 rescue, 1 brush truck and a utility truck. Include a picture of fire trucks (possibly use picture from web site).
Include services provided by Calhoun County Sheriff's Department.
Pages 7-9: Include current population figures
Pages 10-12 and all maps: Update maps to indicate 25-1/2 Mile Road closure. Check to see if Calhoun County Farm Preservation Program is still active.
Page 14: Is Kalamazoo River Watershed Council still active?
Page 15: Is Rice Creek Watershed map current?
Sheridan Township Planning Commission Page two
July 1, 2021
Page 20: P.5 - Has C Drive, N. classification been upgraded?
Page 21: Map: need to indicate 3-phase transmission line re: Brembo; need to show 28 Mile Rd. and H Drive, N. substation
Page 22-23: any changes needed re: Existing Land Use figures? Change zoning of Tomac Woods property based on Ranger Power purchase.
Page 33: Future Land Use - add Activity Barns and Gas Turbines
Page 35: Amend map re: 26488 W. Michigan Ave. from RB & AA to LI for The Anderson's & Marathon dispatch center which did not materialize.
Page 37: Check number of spaces for mobile homes on 30 Mile Road
Page 46: P1 - Does referenced web site still exist? Suggest removal re: EDC informs the township ... for easy distribution to clients.
Other items suggested:
Include map showing school districts
Include education section recognizing Kellogg Community College Eastern Campus
(Vogt is to contact KCC for information)
Include map showing proposed solar farms and picture of solar panels (possibly use pictures from web site)
After discussion of all of the above, the Planning Commission was in agreement with all of the suggestions presented.
Next meeting: August 5, 2021 - The Planning Commission will begin review of the current Zoning Ordinance.
Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
Minutes submitted by
Peggy Vogt, Secretary
Sheridan Township Planning Commission
Harold Badger, Chair
Sheridan Township Planning Commission
Approved at the 7/15/21 meeting of the Sheridan Township Planning Commission
*Copies of items referenced in these minutes are available in the Township Clerk's Office.