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January 18, 2022 Board Meeting Minutes

Stephanie Craig

Sheridan Township Board of Trustees Meeting

January 18, 2022

7:00 pm

I. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Richard Porter at 7:00 pm.

The Pledge was led by

Present: Randy Fisher, Scott Frederick, Stephanie Craig, and Richard Porter, Hayley England.

Absent: None

Audience: Gary Tompkins, Lance Lohrke, Dave Martin, Joshua Frigerio

II. Approval of Agenda: A motion was made by Randy, 2nd by Scott to accept the agenda as written. All in favor. The motion passed.

III. Approval of previous Township Board Minutes. A motion was made by Randy, 2nd by Scott to accept the November 23rd meeting minutes as presented. All in favor. The motion passed. A motion was made by Scott, 2nd by Randy to accept the December 16th meeting minutes as presented. All in favor. The motion passed.

IV. Payment of Bills: A few questions were posed to Chief Lance about the repairs on Engine 15. A motion was made by Hayley, 2nd by Randy to approve the payment of the bills. Roll call vote; all in favor. The motion passed.

V. Treasurers Report: A motion was made by Scott, 2nd by Randy to accept the treasurers report as presented. Roll call vote; all in favor. The motion passed.

VI. Correspondence: Richard updates us on the new decommissioning agreement from Savion.

VII. Committee Reports:

1. Planning Commission/Roads – Scott Frederick. Planning commission is sending the proposed cemetery on 29 Mile Rd to the board for approval.

2. Fire – Chief Lance Lohrke. See the attached report for the calls in November and December. Chief Lance goes over the November and December calls. Training for November was touring the Challenger building and Continental Carbonic. Training for December was inventory. The VFW gave a $1500 donation. Chief Lance would like to use that money for RAM extrication equipment to go with the Jaws of Life. Randy asks about the pay process for Call-back firefighters. Chief explains how this process works. The Township got a quote for an addition to the fire station. This addition would be three bays off the south end of the current fire station. One of the bays would be used as a training room at this time. Richard would like to see an exercise area put in for the firefighters. Scott McLane has informed us that the ARPA funds will be able to be used toward this addition. A motion was made by Randy, 2nd by Scott to approve the expenditure of the $1500 donation from the VFW for the RAM. Roll call vote; all in favor. The motion passed.

VIII. Public Comment: Gary goes over the new redistricting in the county. He also tells us that countywide transportation is back on the table. This would equate to a 1.7 mil on taxes. There are not many in the townships that Gary has talked to that feel that this is practical. He goes over his newsletter. He talks about the Senior Services. He notes that the senior services board has decided to up the poverty level so that more seniors can qualify for the available programs. Gary is working on setting up a meeting for us with the county road commission to discuss our roads, and what our options are for this year.

IX. Unfinished Business: None

X. New Business

1. Present 2022-2023 Budget. Randy asks a few questions about the budget. Richard states that Gary Tompkins has informed him that he doesn’t believe that the county will be able to match more than $300,000 for roads this year.

2. Amend 2022 budget items – Clerk. Stephanie presents a requested budget adjustment for the Fire Department for insurance. Accident Fund has changed the way they are doing billing, and they are asking for a full amount up front instead of billing twice. The board discusses this, and it is decided that Stephanie will call Decker to see if we can pay monthly or quarterly instead. Scott asks about the rate from Accident Fund and if they are competitive.

3. Approve accepting Calhoun County Parks Millage for use on City shuffle board improvements. The parks millage income for this year will be $5302.41. The shuffle board project would probably take two years of these millage funds. A motion was made by Scott, 2nd by Hayley to accept the parks millage funds for use on city shuffle board improvements. Roll call vote; all in favor. The motion passed.

4. Review and vote on Conditional Use Permit for 13526 29 Mile Rd for placement of private church cemetery. Scott goes over what the Planning Commission learned about the cemetery. A motion was made by Randy, 2nd by Scott to approve the cemetery as an accessory to the current conditional use permit.

5. Review moving all bank funds to Homestead savings bank and use cash sweep services. We have been having issues with Huntington Bank. Hayley explains these issues and proposes that we move all of our funds to Homestead. She explains how this process will work, and what the benefits are. It is decided that we will ask the bank to come in for a special meeting so everyone on the board can ask questions about this before a decision is made. A motion was made by Scott, 2nd by Hayley continue to review Homestead and set up another meeting for further discussion.

6. Decide on MTA conference. A motion was made Randy, 2nd by Scott to request a refund from MTA’s 2020 conference registration. Roll call vote; all in favor. The motion passed.

XI. Adjourn: A motion was made by Hayley, 2nd by Scott to adjourn at 8:40. All in favor; the motion passed.

Respectfully Submitted,

Stephanie Craig, Secretary

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13355 29 Mile Road

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