Sheridan Township Planning Commission
Regular Meeting
Sheridan Township Hall
August 5, 2021 – 7:00 p.m.
Present: Harold Badger (chair), Scott Frederick, Rick Offerson, Peggy Vogt
Absent: Sally Jackson (excused)
The Pledge of Allegiance opened the meeting.
Guests: Jim Tedder, Area Manager for ITC
Agenda: Vogt made a motion to accept the agenda as presented; seconded by Offerson. Motion passed unanimously.
Minutes: A motion was made by Frederick to accept the minutes of the July 15, 2021, meeting as presented; seconded by Offerson. Motion passed unanimously.
Public Comment – None
Correspondence – Email re: Stonehill Site Plan and maps presented by Tedder.*
Reports – Frederick reported that the approved Conditional Use Permit forwarded by the Planning Commission from Ranger Power on July 1, 2021, was passed by the Township Board.
Zoning Administrator – No report
Zoning Board of Appeals – None
Unfinished Business – None
New Business: Tedder of ITC gave a report re: the interconnections of solar applications for the Ranger River Fork/Stonehill Solar project and the Savion/Calhoun County projects in Sheridan Township. ITC will be responsible for high voltage line maintenance and substations servicing the area. There will be no transformers in either substations. One substation will be located east of 28 Mile Road and North of D Drive, N. and the control house will be 48' x 16'. One substation will be located on 26 Mile Road and F Drive, N. Fencing will be as noted in the Zoning Ordinance for both. The maximum height inside the substations will be 71'. There will be no surveillance at either facility. Savion has submitted a preliminary site plan and a final site plan is expected to be submitted soon.
The Planning Commission expressed thanks to Tedder for his informational presentation and comments.
Miscellaneous: Frederick expressed concerns re: the lack of weed control on property currently leased by solar energy companies.
Adjournment – Being no further business, Badger pronounced the meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
Minutes submitted by
Peggy Vogt, Secretary
Sheridan Township Planning Commission
Minutes approved at the 9/2/21 meeting of the Sheridan Township Planning Commission.
*Copies of items referenced in these minutes are available in the Township Clerk's office.