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October 20, 2020 Board Meeting Minutes

Sheridan Township Board of Trustees Meeting

October 20, 2020

7:00 pm

I. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Richard Porter at 7:05pm.

The pledge was led by Richard porter

Present: Roll call: Stephanie Craig, Richard Porter, Hayley England, Randy Fisher, Scott Frederick

Absent: None


II. Approval of Agenda: A motion was made by 2nd by to accept the agenda. All in favor. The motion passed.

III. Public Comment.

XI. New Business

1. Approve November 17, 2020 Board meeting minutes. A motion was made by 2nd by to accept the meeting minutes as presented. All in favor. The motion passed.

2. Discuss/Adopt Emergency Management Ordinance 2020-01. A motion was made by 2nd by to adopt emergency management ordinance 2020-01. All in favor. The motion passed.

3. Public hearing for establishment of industrial development district pursuant of Act 198 of the Public Acts of Michigan 1974. No public comment

4. Adopt resolution 2020-11 to establish industrial development district pursuant of Act 198 of the Public Acts of Michigan 1974. A motion was made by Randy 2nd by Scott to adopt Resolution 2020-11 to establish industrial development district pursuant of Act 198 of the Public Acts of Michigan 1974. Roll call vote; all in favor. The motion passed. Scott asks Sean about a timeline or a start plan. Sean answers the same as before with the fact that they are planning to begin either in the spring before planting or in the fall after harvest.

5. Review Request of Mike and Kristan Hammond to rezone 16400 28 Mile Road from agricultural to commercial for use as an off-road motocross racing and training facility. Kristan asks again about the probability of amending the current ordinance if this rezoning is not passed. Randy explains that if we decide to rezone the property the Hammonds would still need a conditional use permit. Scott points out that we would then also have to re-form the noise ordinance. He points out that this re-zoning does not fit with the Township’s master plan. Mike Hammond states this has been ongoing for 10 years with no complaints though admittedly they did not have as many bikes on the track before. The township’s current ordinance is structured for family use only. Mike Hammond declares that he is willing to give $1 per head to the township. The board moves into it’s own discussion. Dialogue followed about the re-zoning of the property. Randy comments about the long term commercial use. It opens the Township up to any commercial use of that property in the future. It does not comply with the master plan. Looking at the submitted drawings and figures he states that parking would be an issue. Richard is concerned about property values. Also we have the current noise ordinance. It is pointed out that this is basically spot zoning. The board went over the fact that this zoning would not fit in with the general area of current agricultural properties. Also went over the list of items sent from the lawyer to decide if this is a reasonable request. None of the items were true for this property. The planning commission did not want to amend the zoning ordinance without the input from the board. Chris says that it seems like a lot the participants of this ORV track are not local. He believes that not many people from the immediate area use this aside from the Hammonds. The board reviewed all the factors from the list. Randy has all considered the factors from the list and does not feel this request is reasonable. Dick has all considered the factors from the list and does not feel it is reasonable. Scott has all considered the factors from the list and does not feel it is reasonable. Stephanie has all considered the factors from the list and does not feel it is reasonable. Hayley has all considered the factors from the list and does not feel it is reasonable. A motion was made by Randy 2nd by Scott to deny the request to rezone the parcel as presented 16400 28 Mile Road from agricultural to commercial for use as an off-road motocross racing and training facility; also not to refer the conditional use to the planning commission. Roll call vote; all in favor. The motion passed.

6. Approve the application to remove the weaver property from PA 116 for Savion. Randy asks about a separate decommissioning agreement for this particular parcel. He also asks about the decommissioning agreement that we are supposed to have. Brien states that the timeline for that is not certain. As a board can allow them to withdraw from PA 116 without an accepted decommissioning agreement. A motion was made by Randy 2nd by Scott to allow the Weavers parcel to be removed from the Public Act 116 as requested

7. Set the date for the public hearing for River Fork Solar act 328. Richard suggests the date of the next board meeting on November 17th. A motion was made by Randy 2nd by Hayley to set the date for the public hearing for River Fork Solar act 328 on November 17th, 2020. Roll call vote; all in favor. The motion passed.

XIII. Adjourn: A motion was made to adjourn Stephanie by 2nd Scott by at 8:27pm. Roll call vote; all in favor. The motion passed.

Respectfully Submitted,

Stephanie Craig, Secretary

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