Sheridan Township Board of Trustee’s
Date: 3/17/2020
I. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by: at TIME 7:00
Pledge: The pledge was given by: Randy Fisher
II. Present: Roll call
Randy Fisher
Scott Frederick
Shanna Pollman
Richard Porter
Stephanie Craig
Janet Cuatt
III. Absent:
Audience: Doug Pollman, Lance Lohrke, Linda DeBruler
IV. Approval of Agenda: Dick Porter requested adding one item to the agenda regarding garbage pickup service. A motion was made by Randy Fisher to approve the agenda as presented. The motion was seconded by Shanna Pollman. The motion passed.
V. Approval of Meeting Minutes: A motion was made by Scott Fredrick to accept the meeting minutes from the February 18, 2020 meeting with the corrections identified. Shanna Pollman seconded the motion. Corrections to be made: Scott Fishers name to be corrected to Scott Frederick in three places. The motion passed.
A motion was made by Scott Fredrick to accept the meeting minutes from the Special board meeting held March 5, 2020 regarding Act328 from River Forks and PA 116 that was carried over from the previous meeting. Randy Fisher seconded the motion. The motion passed.
VI. Payment of Bills: Dick Porter informed the board the funds that had been paid for the MTA training has been refunded due to the cancelation of the training. There was a brief discuss regarding the drain job on H drive. A motion was made by Shanna Pollman to pay the bills. Randy Fisher seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Yes – Scott Frederick, Shanna Pollman, Dick Porter, Randy Fisher, Stephanie Craig. The motion passed.
VII. Treasurer’s Investment Report: The motion was made by Scott Fredrick to accept the Treasurer’s report as written. Randy Fisher seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Yes – Scott Frederick, Shanna Pollman, Dick Porter, Randy Fisher, Stephanie Craig. The motion passed.
VIII. Correspondence: none
IX. Committee Reports:
1. Planning Commission/Roads – Scott Fredrick reported there had been no meetings since the last Township Board meeting. Outstanding issues are BMX bikes on 28 mile road, regarding the ordinance. Also Knights of Columbus and putting houses in.
2. Fire Department – Chief Lance Lohrke reported in February they had 14 calls; 7 medicals, 4 rollover PI accidents, 1 Wire Down, 1 Citizen Assist, 1 Mutual Aid Albion City. CPR Training was held February 9th and 10th. They applied for 3 grants with the FIRE Act Grant. Two of the grants are Regional Grants: one is for Radios, the second is for Air Packs. The third grant is for new Turnout Gear. Turnout Gear is good for 10 years, Chief Lance Lohrke staggers the purchases. He also reported they are following guidelines for the virus. They are working to get more protective supplies; masks, gowns, gloves, hand sanitizer. Dick Porter asked if there is a contingency plan if the team gets sick/exposed. Their quarters and training area do no provide much room to spread out.
Lance Lohrke provided an updates on the new truck and building plans: ETA for the truck is early June pending supplies needed. The building plans are pending a quote which has been delayed due to computer issues.
X. Public Comment: None
XI. Unfinished Business: None
XII. New Business:
A. Update on Solar Projects – Dick Porter reported that the lawyers continue to work through the contract language to figure out if ACT 328 is total exemption on personal property, and for 50% reduction on the real property. The lawyers are trying to come to agreement. Savion is working on monies for the fire department training. It could come in one lump payment instead of spread out over the years. Pending what the lawyer’s determine, it could require a special meeting. Mary Moore and another property will require a public hearing. The goal is to start late fall, early winter with feet on the ground.
B. Discuss Scott Whitish as IT Support – Dick Porter provided Scott Whitish’s resume for the board to review. Scott Whitish has had a tour of the office and network. He appears to be a good candidate. He will charge $25 an hour for the first 120 days while he is learning the environment. After the 120 days his fee will increase to $50 hour. Dick Porter requested permission to hire him. Randy Fisher asked to confirm the amount in the budget. Dick Porter pointed out $2500 is budgeted, there is still $1100 budgeted. Dick Porter pointed out that their IT needs are usually pretty simple. A motion was made by Randy Fisher to give permission to hire Scott Whitish. Scott Fredrick seconded the motion. All Voted Aye.
C. Approve 2020-2021 Budget – Dick Porter reviewed the budget, pointed out the following raises; Secretary increases to $25,272, Fire Chief increases to $60,000, (two) Fire Fighters increase to $40,000, Fireman increases to $16.50/hour. Tom Shed will start as Zoning administrator next week. Dick Porter mentioned they will pay to bring Jim Hunt in to help with knowledge share for zoning process at least one day. Scott Fredrick asked about the budget for the roads. Dick Porter replied that the millage for roads/bridges will raise that money. The county will take care of 24 mile road. A motion was made by Randy Fisher to approve the 2020-2021 budget. The motion was seconded by Scott Fredrick. Roll Call Vote: Yes – Scott Frederick, Shanna Pollman, Dick Porter, Randy Fisher, Stephanie Craig. The motion was approved.
D. Discuss Township Office Operations/Rentals – Dick Porter has attended numerous meetings with the County Health Department. Per their recommendations, they have contacted everyone with rentals been canceled due to the current recommendation of gatherings limited to ten or less people, 6’ apart.
Many offices have closed but are still doing as much business as possible by phone, mail, or email. Shanna Pollman confirmed there have not been many walk-ins to the Township office. Dick Porter shared two options; 1.) They work a few days a week, maybe alternating days, 2.) Keep the regular schedule unless things get worse. Randy Fisher suggested that for now we keep the way it is. Sherrie Case is protected by glass, and not many people are coming into the office, minimizing the risk.
Dick Porter mentioned that we will need a special meeting for the solar updates, and will address that when need to. Many meetings are currently being handled by phone.
Lance Lohrke discussed that many fire houses are limited to fire fighters only. Dick Porter suggested that they put a sign on the doors that state ‘for official business only.’ Burn permits can be called in. This will be reevaluated in a few weeks or as needed.
E. Discuss filing to run for office on the 2020 election – Dick Porter asked if anyone was going to run for office. If so, the forms are available. Requires 3-10 signatures, or pay $100. Final date to file is April 21st, 2020.
F. Appointed Dennis McMillan to the Board of Review – Dick Porter contacted Dennis McMillan to see if he was interested in serving on the Board of Review. As that Dennis McMillan expressed an interest, Dick Porter has appointed Dennis McMillan to the Board of Review. Training is required for all board review members. The training will be in Chelsea at a minimal price. Everyone on the Board of Review will go to this school.
G. Garbage Pickup – Dick Porter has budgeted $5,000 for trash in 2020-2021. To date, we have $750 left from the budgeted $4,000. Dick Porter explained the budget is for refuse hauling and roadside pickup (mattresses, tires, commodes, etc…). Roadside garbage is a problem in the township. One suggestion was to provide a hopper that the residents can bring items to. Dick Porter does not think our residents are the ones leaving large items on the road side. Other suggestions discussed were that people could get a card at Turkeyville, or providing a dumpster for the township. The feeling is people from out of the township are dumping stuff for their convenience, and that we’d be wiser to save the budget for a spring cleaning roadside pickup. Randy Fisher suggested asking the city if they would put a dumpster out for the people’s convenience, it might cut down on our roadside problems. Dick Porter said we could suggest it. At this time, we’ll keep the budget as is for now. There was a motion made by Randy Fisher to hire Walt Obrinske for spring clean-up. Scott Fredrick seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Yes – Scott Frederick, Shanna Pollman, Dick Porter, Randy Fisher, Stephanie Craig. The motion was approved.
XIII. Adjourn: A motion was made by Shanna Pollman to adjourn. It was seconded by Randy Fisher. All voted AYE. The motion carried/passed at 7:42.
Respectfully submitted
Janet Cuatt