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November 21, 2023 Board Meeting Minutes

Sheridan Township Board of Trustees Meeting

November 21, 2023

7:00 pm


I.          Call to Order:  The meeting was called to order by Richard Porter at 7:00 pm.


The pledge of allegiance to the Flag of the United States:  Led by Richard


Present:  Richard Porter, Scott Frederick, Rusty Smith, Hayley England, and Stephanie Craig


Absent:  None


II.         Approval of Agenda:  An item needs to be added to the agenda.  Item 5 will be the approval of the Decommissioning Bond for AES Solar.  A motion was made by Rusty, 2nd by Scott to accept the agenda with the addition of item 5.  All in favor, the motion passed. 


III.        Approval of previous township board minutes.  A motion was made by Scott, 2nd by Rusty to accept the October 17th meeting minutes as presented.  All in favor, the motion passed.  A motion was made by Rusty, 2nd by Scott to accept the October 19th special meeting minutes as presented.  All in favor, the motion passed.  A motion was made by Scott, 2nd by Rusty to accept the November 6th special meeting minutes as presented.  All in favor, the motion passed. 


IV.        Payment of Bills:  A motion was made by Rusty, 2nd by Scott to approve the payment of bills.  Roll call vote; all in favor.  The motion passed.


V.         Treasurers Report:  A motion was made by Rusty, 2nd by Scott to approve reinvesting the CD at MSUFCU when it matures.  All in favor, the motion passed.  A motion was made by Rusty, 2nd by Scott to approve the treasurers report as presented.  All in favor, the motion passed.


VI.        Correspondence:  None


VII.       Committee Reports:


1.      Planning Commission/Roads - Scott Frederick.  Planning Commission reviewed the DG Market site plan.  Everything looks acceptable to the Planning Commission and things will be moving forward on this project.


2.      Fire - Chief Lance Lohrke.  Chief Lohrke goes over his report for October.  Training for October was boom deployment.  October 9th there was a tour of Andersons.  A motion was made by Rusty, 2nd by Scott to approve the promotion of Collins, Waito, and Williamson to lieutenants in the fire department.  All in favor the motion passed. 


3.      Disability insurance committee report/fire department.  The Clerk updates on the insurance change progress so far.  A motion was made by Scott, 2nd by Rusty to move forward as the committee sees fit for the fire disability and general insurance.  Roll call vote.  All in favor; the motion passed. 


4.      Fire barn update - Rusty Smith.  Rusty goes over what has been completed to date, and what is scheduled for the next two weeks.  There have been four change orders so far.  Topsoil needed to be removed for backfill for the flooring.  Hot water recirculation pump was needed to increase efficiency.  The garage door windows were updated to match the existing doors.  An upgrade to six-inch concrete in the truck bay was needed to avoid cracking.  The next change order will be a floor drain in the truck bay. 


VIII.      Public Comment:  Public comment was taken at this time.  Tommy Miller gives a brief County update. 


IX.        Unfinished Business:  None


X.         New Business:


1.       Approve hiring Fleis & Vandenbrink to perform audit of potholes and PASER of local roads next spring.  Approximate cost $7,000-$10,500.  The board would like to see at least half of the Townships in Calhoun County on board with this idea to be sure that there are enough participants to make a difference.  A motion was made by Rusty, 2nd by Hayley to allow Scott and Dick to hire Fleis & Vandenbrink to perform an audit of potholes and a PASER of local roads after the meetings with the other Calhoun County Townships.  Roll call vote.  All in favor; the motion passed. 


2.      Approve Township Office yearly closings for 2024.  A motion was made by Rusty, 2nd by Scott to approve the township office yearly closings for 2024.  All in favor, the motion passed.


3.      Resolution 2023-17 in support of Pivot Energy's proposed solar project on parcel number 19-090-019-00.  Pivot Energy would like a letter of support for their proposed solar project on parcel number 19-090-019-00.  A motion was made by Rusty 2nd by Scott to approve Resolution 2023- 17 in support of Pivot Energy.  All in favor the motion passed. 


4.      Discuss Calhoun County, Michigan Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan.  A copy of the document is available for the board members to look over.  It must be approved by January 31. 


5.      Approve the decommissioning bond for AES.  A motion was made by Rusty, 2nd by Scott to accept the decommissioning bond number SUI196747 for Calhoun County Solar Project as presented.  Roll call vote.  All in favor; the motion passed.


XI.        Adjourn:  A motion was made by Hayley, 2nd by Stephanie to adjourn at 7:53.  All in favor, the motion passed.



Stephanie Craig, Secretary








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