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May 4, 2021 Special Board Meeting Minutes

Stephanie Craig

Updated: Sep 22, 2021

Sheridan Township Board of Trustees Meeting


May 4, 2021

7:00 pm

I. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Richard Porter at 7:01 pm.

Pledge: The pledge was led by Richard porter.

Present: Roll call: Randy Fisher, Hayley England, Stephanie Craig, and Richard Porter – Scott Frederick was late; arrival time was 7:09.

Absent: None

Audience: Matthew Riley, Nancy, Gary Tompkins, Sara Mills, Lance Lohrke, Lorraine Bergman, Jim P

II. Approval of Agenda: A motion was made by Randy, 2ndHayley to approve the agenda as written. Roll call vote, all in favor (Scott was not present). The motion passed.

III. Approval of previous Township Board minutes. A motion was made by Randy 2ndby Hayley to accept March 16thmeeting minutes as presented. Roll call vote, all in favor (Scott was not present). The motion passed.

IV. Payment of bills. A motion was made by Randy 2nd by Hayley to pay the bills for March and April. Roll call vote, all in favor. (Scott was not present). The motion passed.

V. Treasurer report. Hayley’s report for the month of March was presented. April statements were not in yet so April was not included.

VI. Correspondence. Dick informs us that the State Department of Treasury approved the tax exemption for Ranger Power. There is information in the packet on this matter. He also states that we have $188,000 from the stimulus act coming in; there is information in the packet about this as well.

VII. Committee reports.

1. Planning commission/roads - Scott Frederick. Pine Gate gave a presentation at a meeting in March. He gives a few details about that meeting. Dick informs us that the mini storage Conditional Use Permit will be re-submitted at the next Planning Commission meeting.

2. Fire – Chief Lance Lohrke. See attached report for the calls in March. Randy asks if there is any new information about the City of Albion helping with funding for mutual aid. At this time there is no new information on that subject. Chief Lohrke is looking into an addition on the fire department. This addition will be for an extra 3 bays in order to fit all the trucks inside. Fleis and Vandenbrink will be contracting out the project.

VIII. Public Comment. Gary Tompkins talks briefly about high-speed Internet for Calhoun County. He comments on the fact that Sheridan Township got a mini grant for security cameras from the Solid Waste Committee. These will be used to watch for illegal dumping in Sheridan Township. Gary also informs us that contract road patchers will begin work on May 10thpatching potholes in Calhoun County.

IX. New Business

1. Approval of resolution 2021-03. Randy points out - on page 3 c. it should read “install” and not “stall”. Page 4 p. should read “Lightning” not “Lighting”. Randy also suggests that all the solar companies’ fencing should be consistent. Lorraine from Pine Gate responds that their company would install whatever fencing the township requests. A motion was made by Randy 2ndby Scott to accept Resolution 2021-03 approving a conditional use permit and site plan for a large solar energy system as presented. Roll call vote. All in favor, the motion passed.

2. Approval of one (1) Year extension CUP for Savion. Randy is asking about the decommissioning agreement and where things stand on that agreement. Dick responds that he has spoken to Brien Heckman and that we are almost at an agreement. Scott asks what the holdup on the decommissioning agreement is. Salvage value has been a major hang-up on this agreement. A motion was made by Scott 2ndby Randy to table the one (1) year extension CUP for Savion until the decommissioning agreement comes through. Roll call vote. All in favor, the motion passed.

3. Approve Meeting Date for Board meetings 2021-2022. A motion was made by Randy 2ndby Scott to approve the meeting dates as published. Roll call vote. All in favor, the motion passed. A motion was made by Randy 2ndby Scott to approve the holiday closings as published. Roll call vote. All in favor, the motion passed

4. Vote on foreclosure for 19-230-015-00. A motion was made by Randy 2ndby Scott not to accept this property. Roll call vote. All in favor, the motion passed.

5. Approve Resolution 2021-04 Par Plan risk grant for Fire Department. This grant would be used for armored vests for the firefighters. A motion was made by Scott 2ndby Randy to approve Resolution 2021-04. Roll call vote. All in favor, the motion passed.

6. Approve Treasurer to find and establish new bank accounts for new funds coming into township. A motion was made by Randy 2ndby Scott to authorize the treasurer to establish new bank accounts for the new funds coming into the Township. Roll call vote. All in favor, the motion passed.

X. Adjourn: A motion was made by Scott 2nd by Randy to adjourn at 7:58pm. Roll call vote. All in favor, the motion passed.

Respectfully Submitted,

Stephanie Craig, Secretary

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