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March 19, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

Sheridan Township Board of Trustees Meeting

March 19, 2024

7:00 pm


I.          Call to Order:  The meeting was called to order by Richard Porter at 7:00 pm.


The pledge of allegiance to the Flag of the United States:  Led by Richard Porter. 


Present:  Richard Porter, Scott Frederick, Rusty Smith, Hayley England, and Stephanie Craig


Absent:  None


II.         Approval of Agenda:  A motion was made by Rusty, 2nd by Scott to accept the agenda as written.  All in favor, the motion passed. 


III.        Approval of previous township board minutes.  Rusty presents necessary changes to the February 20th meeting minutes.  Fritz Advertising is from Spring Arbor not Ann Arbor; and under Unfinished Business, a motion was made by Scott, 2nd by Scott.  The clerk will check the franchise agreement to see what is correct.  A motion was made by Rusty, 2nd by Scott to accept the February 20th meeting minutes with the corrections.  All in favor, the motion passed.  A motion was made by Scott, 2nd by Rusty to accept the March 12th special meeting budget workshop minutes as presented.  All in favor, the motion passed.


IV.        Payment of Bills:  A motion was made by Rusty, 2nd by Scott to approve the payment of bills.  Roll call vote; all in favor.  The motion passed.


V.         Treasurers Report:  A motion was made by Rusty, 2nd by Scott to approve the treasurers report as presented.  All in favor, the motion passed.


VI.        Correspondence:  AES has more money that could be donated to our fire training room if needed. 


VII.       Committee Reports:


·         Planning Commission/Roads - Scott Frederick.  The Planning Commission had a Zoom meeting this week, and they are almost done with the Master Plan.  They also have a sample ordinance for sand and gravel.  The governor's office returned Scott's call about roads.  They have a couple of recommendations for us and will be getting back with Scott to discuss our options.


·         Fire - Chief Lance Lohrke.  Chief goes over his report for February.  Training for February was active violence response.  They have applied for FEMA grants for a pumper truck.  The Chief would like to bring on Trey Warner as a part-time paid firefighter.  A motion was made by Rusty, 2nd by Scott to hire Trey Warner as a part time firefighter.  All in favor; the motion passed.


·         Disability insurance committee report/fire department.  The committee would like to increase the benefits of the full-time firefighters on the liability policy with Decker.  Kevin Decker will assist the committee on determining the appropriate numbers before the policy renewal in July.  It will cost approximately $612 dollars for this additional coverage. 


·         Fire barn update - Rusty Smith.  Rusty goes over what has been done to date.  The drywall and paint are complete, and most of the light fixtures are in.  They would like to do an interior walkthrough on March 29th.  As of today, we have paid $328,697.00 for the addition. 


XI.        Public Comment:  Public comment was taken at this time.  Tommy Miller was not able to make it to the meeting, but he relayed to Richard that the park’s millage is up for renewal this year.  Janet Cuatt makes a public comment in favor of the hiring of a Deputy Sheriff.  Harold Badger makes a public comment in favor of the hiring of a Deputy Sheriff. 


X.         Unfinished Business:  None


XI.        New Business


1.      Vote on Resolution 2024-11 on enhanced law enforcement services for Sheridan Township.  The board was informed that the Sheriff’s Department has a used vehicle that we could purchase from the County to save the Township some funds.  Discussion ensued about this issue.  A motion was made by Scott, 2nd by Rusty to Approve Resolution 2024-11 on enhanced law enforcement for Sheridan Township for one year, then analyze the information, and prior to the election next November, get feedback from the community on a possible millage to cover about half of the cost.  Roll call vote.  Rusty, yes; Richard, yes; Scott, yes; Hayley, no; Stephanie; no.  The motion passed. 


2.      Closed session if required for budget.  Not Necessary


3.      Vote on Resolution 2024-09 to approve 2024-2025 General Budget.  A motion was made by Rusty, 2nd by Scott to approve Resolution 2024-09, the General Budget.  Roll call vote.  All in favor; the motion passed. 


4.      Vote on Resolution 2024-10 to approve 2024-2025 Fire Budget.  A motion was made by Rusty, 2nd by Scott to approve Resolution 2024-10, the Fire Budget.  Roll call vote.  All in favor; the motion passed. 


5.      Resolution 2024-07 mileage rate $0.67.  A motion was made by Rusty, 2nd by Scott to approve Resolution 2024-07, setting a mileage rate of $0.67.  Roll call vote.  All in favor; the motion passed.


6.      Vote on Resolution 2024-08 to approve Township Meeting Schedule for 2024-2025.  A motion was made by Rusty, 2nd by Hayley to approve Resolution 2024-08, the meeting schedule for 2024-2025.  All in favor; the motion passed. 


7.      Set date of Policy Manual Workshop.  The date of the policy manual workshop will be April 2nd at 9:30am. 


8.      Approve roadside trash pickup.  A motion was made by Scott, 2nd by Rusty to approve the quote for roadside trash pickup from Walt Obrinske.  Roll call vote.  All in favor; the motion passed. 


XII.       Adjourn:  A motion was made by Hayley, 2nd by Stephanie, to adjourn at 8:05.  All in favor, the motion passed.



Stephanie Craig, Secretary




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