Sheridan Township Planning Commission
Sheridan Township Hall
June 6, 2024 – 7:00pm
Purpose: Regular Meeting
Present: Harold Badger (chair), Scott Frederick, Sally Jackson, Peggy Vogt, Rick Offerson
Officials and Staff: Dick Porter (Supervisor)
Guests: Dave Blodgett (see attached list*)
The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Agenda: A motion was made by Frederick; seconded by Vogt, to approve the agenda as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
Minutes: A motion was made by Jackson; seconded by Vogt, to approve the minutes of the May 9, 2024, meeting. Motion passed unanimously.
Public Comments: Dick Porter addressed the Planning Commission about what may be going on with the properties on the east side of 29 Mile Rd. south of I-94. He was made aware of some information at a meeting of the Albion Economic Development organization regarding this and potential PA425 properties. However, he could not reveal all the details as many had not been made public. Mr. Blodgett is concerned about the plans and development that may occur and is trying to stay abreast of the situation. Mr. Porter also shared that Albion Industries is moving to the Industrial Park and that the Township has been approached by a firm out of Detroit that is looking to build a Data Center on solar property that is unused. The facility will require 3 million gallons of water per day for cooling of the electronic equipment.
Close Public Comments: 7:34pm
Correspondence: A copy of an email to Mr. Badger from Sean Harris of Ranger Power was provided to members. The email is regarding a request for information concerning work on a battery storage ordinance.
Reports: Township Board – Frederick reported that the Board continues to work on the policy manual.
Zoning Administrator – Vacation
Zoning Board of Appeals – Badger stated there was a ZBA meeting scheduled for 05/30/2024. The meeting was to consider a variance for the sign size at the new DG Market. After discussion the ZBA approved the variance with the added language that the lighting of the signs be dimmed at the time the store closed for the night.
New Business:
1. Gravel Pits Ordinance – members are to be prepared to discuss in detail next meeting,
2. Battery Storage Ordinance – members should do some research to see what other areas have these types of facilities and how they address noise pollution, cooling, fire prevention, decontamination, etc.
3. Hydrogen Production – members should be thinking about how we want to write an ordinance for possible future consideration of hydrogen production facilities.
4. Wind Generators – members were made aware that farmers are being approached to lease/sell land for the installation of wind turbines. Work needs to be done on ordinances to address this future growth. There may have been past discussions and work done on this subject.
Unfinished Business:
1. Anderson’s – Finished at last meeting, the approved work is in progress.
Adjourn: Meeting adjourned at 8:08pm.
Sheridan Township Planning Commission
Minutes submitted for approval by
Rick Offerson, Secretary
Sheridan Township Planning Commission
Sheridan Township Planning Commission
Harold Badger, Chair
Sheridan Township Planning Commission
Approved at the 08/01/2024 meeting of the Sheridan Township Planning Commission
*Copies of items referenced in these minutes are available in the Township Clerk’s office.
The next regular meeting of the Sheridan Township Planning Commission is scheduled for August 1, 2024, at 7:00pm.