Sheridan Township Board of Trustees Meeting
June 20, 2023
7:00 pm
I. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Richard Porter at 7:00 pm.
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag of the United States: Led by Richard Porter.
Present: Richard Porter, Scott Frederick, and Hayley England, Janet Cuatt, Ken Lind, Craig Spiegel, Helen Guzzo, Doug Pullman.
Absent: Stephanie Craig, Randy Fisher, excused
II. Approval of Agenda: A motion was made by Scott Frederick, 2nd by Hayley England to accept the agenda as presented. All in favor, the motion passed.
III. Approval of previous township board minutes. A motion was made by Scott Frederick, 2nd by Hayley England to accept the May 16, 2023, meeting minutes as presented. All in favor, the motion passed. A motion was made by Scott Frederick, 2nd by Hayley England to accept the May 31, 2023, meeting minutes as presented. All in favor, the motion passed.
IV. Payment of Bills: A motion was made by Scott Frederick, 2nd by Hayley England to approve the payment of bills. Roll call vote; all in favor. The motion passed.
V. Treasurers Report: A motion was made by Scott Frederick, 2nd by Hayley England to approve the treasurers report as presented. All in favor, the motion passed.
VI. Correspondence: None
VII. Committee Reports:
1. Planning Commission/Roads - Scott Frederick. Scott Frederick briefly discussed an update regarding Savion which requires no need for action or follow up.
2. Fire - Chief Lance Lohrke. Chief Lohrke goes over his report for May. See attached.
VIII. Public Comment:
Helen Guzzo from Calhoun County Senior Services discussed the recent senior millage that helps fund 21 programs they provide. See handouts she provided. Dick Porter shared that their services are also very helpful in the community garden.
Ken Lind, Insurance agent for EMS, is gathering information to provide a quote for insurance for the Township building and fire dept. The township is entertaining quotes after a 25% increase this year.
Craig Spiegel, contractor, gave an update on timeline for design of addition of the Fire Department.
IX. Unfinished Business:
1. Rescind Resolution 2023-09 hiring company to charge mitigation rates for Fire Department. A motion was made by Scott Frederick, 2nd by Hayley England to rescind resolution 2023-09 hiring a company to charge mitigation rates for Fire Department.
2. Table benefits review for Fire Department. A motion was made by Scott Fredericks, 2nd by Hayley England to table the review of the benefits for the Fire Department.
X. New Business:
1. Approve 2023 Tax Rates Resolution 2023-12. A motion was made by Scott Frederick, 2nd by Hayley England to approve resolution 2023-12 tax rates for 2023. Roll call vote; all in favor. The motion passed.
2. Review replacement cost of security cameras: Due to a few recent issues with existing security cameras, plus the need to cover additional areas, we are looking at purchasing a new high quality system with 8 additional cameras. A motion was made by Scott Frederick, 2nd by Hayley England to approve purchase of additional security camera system, not to exceed $2000 out of building maintenance budget. Roll call vote; all in favor. The motion passed.
3. Review Fire Station addition. The process continues as the engineer gathers information.
4. Approve Surveying and Civil Engineering Contract. A motion was made by Scott Frederick, 2nd by Hayley England to approve surveying and civil engineering contract. The fire department needs additional space to house all the tucks inside plus an adequate training area. Roll call vote; all in favor.
5. Adopt Resolution 2023-13 to allow removal of drain field on parcel 19-220-003-00 (Burkwalt) for construction of River Forks solar development. The Drain commissioner inspected the drain, found no reason for it, and no concern for its removal. A motion was made by Scott Frederick, 2nd by Hayley England to adopt Resolution #2023-13 to allow removal of drain field on parcel 19-220-003-00 (Burkwalt) for construction of River Forks solar development. Roll call vote; all in favor.
VII. Adjourn: A motion was made by Hayley England, 2nd by Scott Frederick to adjourn at 7:53. All in favor, the motion passed.
Janet Cuatt, Secretary