Sheridan Township Board of Trustees Meeting
July 18, 2023
7:00 pm
I. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Scott Fredrick at 7:00 pm.
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag of the United States: Led by Scott Fredrick.
Present: Randy Fisher, Scott Frederick, Hayley England, and Janet Cuatt
Absent: Stephanie Craig, Richard Porter, excused
II. Approval of Agenda: Randy Fisher requested to add review of the CLS Design Proposal. A motion was made by Randy Fisher, 2nd by Hayley England to approve the agenda with the addition. All in favor, the motion passed.
III. Approval of previous township board minutes. A motion was made by Randy Fisher, 2nd by Hayley England to accept the June 20, 2023, meeting minutes as presented. All in favor, the motion passed.
IV. Payment of Bills: A motion was made by Randy Fisher, 2nd by Hayley England to approve the payment of bills. Roll call vote; all in favor. The motion passed.
V. Treasurers Report: A motion was made by Randy Fisher, 2nd by Hayley England to approve the treasurers report as presented. All in favor, the motion passed.
VI. Correspondence:
1. County to issue all dump permits. Hayley explained the process has been changed from people picking up dump permits from the Township Office to they will need to request permits from the County either online, over the phone or in person at the County office.
VII. Committee Reports:
1. Planning Commission/Roads - Scott Frederick. No updates at this time.
2. Fire - Chief Lance Lohrke. Chief Lohrke goes over his report for June. See attached. Training for June was Water Rescue. Chief has submitted a $10,000 grant request for equipment.
VIII. Public Comment:
Tommy Miller, Calhoun County Commissioner – Battle Creek sent a letter to each Township, Village and City in the county regarding their interest in implementing a county wide transportation system. The letters default is to Opt In. Letters needed to be checked Opt Out and sent back if they are not interested. It would raise the mileage rate to implement. He also gave an update that Duck Lake Rd is almost done.
IX. Unfinished Business: None
X. New Business:
1. Review Fire Department addition drawings. Randy Fisher reviewed the blue print schematics regarding the much needed addition for the Fire Department. It may need an additional survey. Next step will be the Design Drawing with more details. The final design drawing is expected end of September. The parking lot will lose 8 or 9 parking spots.
2. Review Carlisle/Wortman contract. Randy Fisher pointed out that the current rate listed on Township permits should be reviewed and changed if need be to coincide with Carlisle/Wortman fees, there may be rate increases needed. Randy Fisher made the motion, Hayley England 2nd the motion to approve the Carlisle/Wortman contract. All in favor, the motion passed
3. Review Markowski and Company auditor contract. Randy Fisher made the motion, Hayley England 2nd the motion to approve the Markowski and Company Auditor contract, all those in favor. Supervisor or clerk will need to sign when they return.
4. Review CLS Design proposal for design services for the Fire Department addition. CLS Design will design the addition, pull permits, and hire general contractors to do the work, starting work in October. Randy Fisher made the motion, Hayley England 2nd the motion to accept the CLS Design proposal. Roll call vote; all in favor.
VII. Adjourn: A motion was made by Hayley England, 2nd by Randy Fisher to adjourn at 7:35pm. All in favor, the motion passed.
Janet Cuatt, Secretary