Sheridan Township Board of Trustees Meeting
December 5, 2022
9:00 am
I. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Richard Porter at 9:00 am.
Pledge: The pledge was led by Richard Porter.
II. Present: Roll call: Randy Fisher, Stephanie Craig, Richard Porter, Scott Frederick, Hayley England
Absent: None
III. Approval of Agenda: A motion was made by Randy, 2nd by Scott to accept the agenda as presented. All in favor, the motion passed.
V. Public Comment. None
VI. Vote on Resolution 2022-15 - Seth Koches explains the issue with the previous agreements for the PILT application for Shipsterns Solar. A motion was made by Randy, 2nd by Scott to approve resolution 2022-15 approving a new personal property exemption application for Shipsterns Solar, LLC. Roll call vote. All in favor, the motion passed
VII. Vote on Resolution 2022-16. A motion was made by Randy, 2nd by Scott to approve resolution 2022-16 approving a payment in lieu of taxes agreement for Shipsterns Solar, LLC. Roll call vote. All in favor, the motion passed.
VIII. Vote on Resolution 2022-17. A motion was made by Randy, 2nd by Scott to approve resolution 2022-17 approving a new personal property exemption application for Calhoun County Solar, LLC. Roll call vote. All in favor, the motion passed.
IX. Vote on Resolution 2022-18. A motion was made by Randy, 2nd by Scott to approve resolution 2022-18 approving a new personal property exemption application for Calhoun County Solar, LLC. Roll call vote. All in favor, the motion passed.
X. Discuss Sheridan Township's "Recreational Camper Vehicle's" ordinance. Dave Martin, Zoning Administrator brings up a Policing Ordinance. He would like to add a cap on the number of times someone can apply for this annually. Discussion ensues about this issue and how this can be accomplished.
XI. Adjourn: A motion was made by Hayley, 2nd by Stephanie to adjourn at 10:00 am. All in favor, the motion passed
Stephanie Craig, Secretary
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