Sheridan Township Board of Trustee’s
Special Meeting
November 6, 2019
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Richard Porter @ 1:00 p.m.
Pledge: The pledge was given by Supervisor Richard Porter.
Present: Roll call Randy Fisher, Shanna Pollman, Brenda Heisler, and Richard Porter.
Absent: Scott Frederick - excused
Audience: Ranger Power Representatives Sean Harris Senior Development Manager, Sergio Trevino Director of Development, and Timothy Stoepker of the Law Firm of Dickinson Wright, PLLC., and Fire Chief Lance Lohrke.
Approval of Agenda: A motion was made by Randy Fisher, 2nd by Shanna Pollman to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed.
New Business: -Resolution 2019-05 Ranger Power (River Forks) Solar Conditional Use and Site Plan Application, for review and discussion. A motion was made by Randy Fisher, 2nd by Shanna Pollman to accept Resolution 2019-05. Roll call vote – Yes – Randy Fisher, Shanna Pollman, and Richard Porter with Brenda Heisler abstaining from voting. The motion passed.
-Chief Lohrke presented the hiring of Tyler Collins as a full time fire fighter. A motion was made by Randy Fisher, 2nd by Shanna Pollman to hire Tyler Collins starting immediately. The motion passed.
Adjourn: A motion was made to adjourn by Shanna Pollman, 2nd by Randy Fisher @ 1:10 p.m. The motion passed.
Respectfully Submitted
Brenda Heisler, Secretary