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April 19, 2022 Board Meeting Minutes

Sheridan Township Board of Trustees Meeting

April 19, 2022

7:00 pm

I. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Richard Porter at 7:00 pm.

The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States: Led by Gary Tompkins

Present: Randy Fisher, Scott Frederick, Stephanie Craig, and Richard Porter, Hayley England.

Absent: None

Audience: Gary Tompkins, Tyler Collins, Rusty Smith, Lance Lohrke, Josh

II. Approval of Agenda: A motion was made by Randy, 2nd by Scott to accept the agenda as written. All in favor. The motion passed.

III. Approval of previous Township Board Minutes. A motion was made by Randy, 2nd by to Scott accept the March 15th meeting minutes as presented. All in favor. The motion passed.

IV. Payment of Bills: A motion was made by Scott, 2nd by Randy to approve the payment of the bills. Roll call vote; all in favor. The motion passed.

V. Treasurers Report: A motion was made by Randy, 2nd by Scott to accept the treasurers report as presented. Roll call vote; all in favor. The motion passed.

VI. Correspondence: July 3rd Albion would like someone from the Township to present the Flag to the City.

VII. Committee Reports:

1. Planning Commission/Roads – Scott Frederick. Planning Commission Meeting re-elected their pervious officers.

2. Fire – Chief Lance Lohrke. See the attached report for the calls in March. Training for March was scene size-up.

VIII. Public Comment: Gary Tompkins made a public comment

IX. Unfinished Business: None

X. New Business

1. Approve Escrow account for $142,000 for fire department. A motion was made by Randy, 2nd by Scott to accept the escrow agreement with the date changes. Roll call vote; all in favor.

2. Resolution 2022-03 to pay maximum health savings account for full-time firefighters. A motion was made by Randy, 2nd by Scott to approve Resolution 2022-03 to pay the maximum health savings account. Roll call vote; all in favor.

3. Discuss February Road Department Estimate and future steps forward. Local road estimate was presented and was followed by discussion.

4. Approve to cost to apply for a variance from $375.00 to $575.00 to reflect true cost to township. A motion was made by Scott, 2nd by Randy to approve the cost to apply for a variance from $375.00 to $600.00. Roll call vote; all in favor.

5. Approval of Solar Panel application for PA116 property of Harold and Ann Badger. A motion was made by Randy, 2nd by Scott to approve the Solar Panel application for PA116. All in favor; the motion passed.

6. Solar Update. Update on what is happening with the solar companies, and the meetings necessary to get things done.

XI. Adjourn: A motion was made by Hayley, 2nd by Stephanie to adjourn at 7:48. All in favor; the motion passed.

Stephanie Craig, Secretary

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